- May 23, 2013
- 88
- 4
- 41
I feel like my first born just made me a Grandma! Very exciting. Lola my 19 week old Buff Orpington is the layer I am sure. The Rooster just started crowing last weekend (also 19 weeks old but a Buff Brahma) and my 2 Buff Brahma hens also 19 weeks old are still going to be a while I think. They both have the tiniest combs and waddles, do those usually come before the eggs??? We hadn't added nesting boxes yet, found the egg laying by the door this morning. I put a cardboard box in for her to nest in if she wants until we get our acts together.

From Left to Right Lola (egg layer), Freckles, Pee Wee, and Bruce the Rooster
From Left to Right Lola (egg layer), Freckles, Pee Wee, and Bruce the Rooster