
In the Brooder
6 Years
May 23, 2013
I feel like my first born just made me a Grandma! Very exciting. Lola my 19 week old Buff Orpington is the layer I am sure. The Rooster just started crowing last weekend (also 19 weeks old but a Buff Brahma) and my 2 Buff Brahma hens also 19 weeks old are still going to be a while I think. They both have the tiniest combs and waddles, do those usually come before the eggs??? We hadn't added nesting boxes yet, found the egg laying by the door this morning. I put a cardboard box in for her to nest in if she wants until we get our acts together.

From Left to Right Lola (egg layer), Freckles, Pee Wee, and Bruce the Rooster
We have gotten one every day but one. There was a horrible storm the night before not sure if that affected her or not. My Rooster has all of a sudden turned into a totally new fella and is starting to jump on her. Now I have to decide if I should keep him or let him go. We were suppose to get all Pullets but got a Roo surprise and fell in love with him.
Congratulations on your first egg! Tell your girl a job well done.
The brahmas should get red combs and wattles before they start laying, they won't get as big as the orps are (different kinds of combs anyhow), but they should get bright red in color first.
New layers will stop and start sometimes, so it is not unusual for them to miss a day or two.
Nothing like the surprise roos, and Isn't always the roos who are the most personable. You might not have enough hens for a roo, they usually recommend around 10 per rooster, or the hens get worn out from his attentions.
Fantastic. I think he may need to go. Not about to build him a coop and fenced area of his own. My Brahmas look to be a while before they lay... so if I want to had another hen or two how do I go about it. These 4 were raise since days old together... I realize if I got more chicks I would have to wait until they are much bigger to add them in the mix but what if I get some older hens?

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