We had ducklings hatch today! One very exhausted - advice appreciated! :)

Does it seem more lethargic than the others? I haven't hatched, perhaps @Miss Lydia or @sumi or @Lacrystol can offer experienced advice.

I have read that they are really tired after hatching and need some time to rest. But if this looks more extreme than its siblings, there may be a need to intervene.
I don't have much experience hatching ducklings, but in my experience they do need a little time to catch their breath after hatching. This one looks pooped though. @Lacrystol ?
We just had 2 ducklings hatch today! We thought we could hear peeping coming from under the Mum's this morning, and this afternoon, there they were!

One of them looks exhausted. I'm not sure if he or she is just tired from hatching or if we should do something to help - anyone have any advice?

She's sitting tight might be more hatching under neathe.. Congrats hope the lil one starts to perk up soon. Like Orca said though they can scare the poo out of you looking half dead and all.
Thanks all! Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I'm in Australia, so time difference and all :)

The little one has perked right up now! Looking much better!

The only worry we have now is as 3 girls are pretty much sharing one giant nest, 2 of the girls are completely fine together, 1 of them however keeps trying to push another out of the way and they end up sitting ontop of each other. We're worried she'll step all over the ducklings and hurt them.

She's been the least committed to the nest of all so we tried putting her and our male out into another section where they could see them but not get to them while the other 2 took care of them. That worked for a few hours, but when it came close to bedtime she freaked right out. Kept throwing herself at the door of the enclosure and screaming :/ So we let them all back in together. Hoping it goes ok because were not really sure what the right thing is to do there!
Ok I think I made a bad decision :( :(

The little weaker one was dead in the nest this morning. I don't know what happened, but it looks like at some time in the night one of the ducks removed a bad egg from the best - this little one was found next to it. He doesn't look at all injured but maybe he got trampled.. :(. So devastated. My decision to let the other mum back in last night might have been what killed him :(

I've now chucked her out again with our male. The other baby is doing really well so far. No more hatched as yet.
Thanks Orca <3

The Mum that caused the issue has now been put out with our male. They have been freeranging some of the day happily, now she has started creating another nest of her own in the old kennel they used to sleep in. I guess I just leave her to it since she must still be broody? I feel bad for her. And I feel bad for the other mums who now only have one duckling between them. The duckling goes between both of them but mainly stays with our girl Coco. Our other girl Princess is still sitting tight on her nest, I really do hope she hatches at least one baby for herself
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