We have Chickyness at last ! Horrah !! :)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 10, 2011
Middle Chinnock, Crewkerne,UK
After a few failed hatches 0/3 we finally had a successful hatch this morning (11.30 GMT) Pekin/Cohin Bantam - Silver/grey back and golden tummy - any thoughts on how this will turn out color wise ?
Another one is due in the next 24 hours.

Here is the link to the photo...


Warmest Regards

Dr Rob.

Let me be the first, then!
Congratulations on your first hatched babies!
No idea on color, but I know cute when I see it and that's cute!
Unfortunately we have had a bad night, we were due to have another 2 chicks hatch, one of these I could hear cheeping from inside the shell and a peep then nothing - his vital signs were fading so I intervened but he never made it, the other I checked and inside looked awfully damp and I opened it up slightly and this little fella had drowned in his shell.
How on earth that happened I shall never know as my R-Com 20 Incubator is set at the temperature and humidity my friend who is a breeder recommended.

That is Temperature of 36.7 Degrees Centigrade and Humidity of 45 - yes these may sound low but as I explained in another post she has hatched thousands of chicks at this setting and has over 95 percent hatch rate.

We originally had these eggs in a styrofoam incubator which was difficult to regulate the temperature and humidity, we also hand turned 3 times a day and the incubator took aged to re-adjust to the set temp and humidity.

I think possibly this may have been a factor in the mortality rate.

At least we have little " Pingu " but such a shame he will be on his own for a few days.

I say a few days as we have another 12 due to hatch on Thursday and these have spent their entire incubation in the R-Com so we shall see.

Have a great Sunday all.

Kind Regards
Dr Rob.

** Video of Pingu **

Here is the link to a video of my little pingu cheeping.

Sorry about the other chickies dying:( I have heard of incubating humidity at 45% the first 18 days then increasing to 65% (this is what I did the first time I hatched 2 dozen eggs and had 100% hatch) but I hadn't heard of 45% throughout the whole hatch. You said they drowned though so..
Do you think your humidifier might not be working right?

I'm glad Pingu is doiing good though, she will have friends soon.

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