Wearing White After Labor Day

White is allowable, but not yet at a wedding. Now many like me have kids and white is out of the wardrobes untill the kids are old enough not to muss you up. Now that white cardi you have is adoreable, and i'd keep rocking that thing.
I cant keep any white clean enough to ever wear in public ANY time of the year.
Al you are too funny and yes I do know who you mean. However, I am a rebel and as an adult no one is going to tell me what colors to wear unless they are paying my salary. If I want white then white it is.
However chances of that are not likely as I also own very little white. Too much iron in the well water. Good for keeping my hair red though-- I bet I am half gray underneath all that iron.
I take that back I do own a pair of white pant's..................... white painters pants and I wear them even in the winter, of course only when painting LOL.
I admit, being a SAHM off and on for 18 years, I do not always dress nice. I live in jeans and yoga pants. Yet, they fit well and are clean. I wear tees, but again, fit and clean. Or polos. You want more, pay for the nanny to raise my kids.

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