
Doesn't look like a raccoon track to me.

Did you find any breaches in the chicken wire inner fence?
Yes in the corner of the coop yard (that was done earlier in the evening by my sister’s dog [they were visiting and he is bird friendly] he wanted to lay down underneath their hen house[he’s normally not allowed in this portion as it is suppose to be the birds safe space] )and I did not fixed the fencing right away when I should have. I thought it could have waited until the next morning as they do not sleep in the hen house but I was very wrong

Right now I left the openings as they are hoping to catch the culprit… so far nothing has been tempted but it did snow this morning. .. so I’ve just left the traps as everyone is staying in anyways.
Yeah weasels are nasty, vicious little things. Keeping your traps going and covering every little gap you can with hardware cloth is about as much as you can do. Good luck!
rule 1 fortify to keep all predators out
having problems use game camera
Google weasel trap, easy to make or buy one
Weasels are prone to biting around neck, drink blood, chew head off, kill all your birds. Will carry or drag off bird if able back to burrow. Will hunt day or night and do not store fat, they need keep eating, Weasels climb very well (dont know about a chain link fence?)

The coon which could be a track (very similar)can climb your chainlink fence, the weasel go thru it.
hardware cloth :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Electric fence about 4 to 6 inch of ground will keep coon, possum, skunk away

Raccoon also can grab thru chainlink fence, grab chicken and eat its head, Raccoon can also undo easy locks like slider gate lock, they can be very persitant, dig, climb, chew.
Coon is big enough get ahold of bird may just carry it away, coon will eat a bird feathers and all.
Thought to edit, weasels are good for keeping unwanted vermin away, they are not totally a bad animal.

Hope this helps good luck
Thank you for all the helpful tips and input! I know he was just doing what weasels do but am not a fan. The traps I have are ‘live catch and release’ traps so am not looking to kill just want to keep my chickens safe. I do think the weasel is watching unfortunately and very smart. The squirrel trap I have is similar to a weasel trap. If it makes a difference the type of weasel I am trying to catch is a mink. Apparently I have the perfect environment for the mink (wooded area with a small stream). I’ve listened to recordings of what they sound like and I definitely hear it and we’ve had a couple of sightings. He stays away when I have my sheep dog is out in the run with the chickens .
I took everyone in before dusk ( my dog who I let in the chicken yard with them in the afternoon and early 4pm she did an alarm bark and growl towards the wooded area so I do think whatever did it is watching). I set two live trap and releases and baited the with raw pork. Hoping we catch whatever it is.

Thank you everyone for your insight and condolences.

I am leaning towards a type of weasel as their attack method is a bite to the neck.

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