Weather is changing ... Easter Eggers aren't laying

Josh Clarke

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 22, 2013
Portland, Oregon, USA
It has been about 2 weeks since my two Easter Eggers have laid any eggs. Before then, they were on a very good one egg per day schedule. Could the weather cooling down (55-65 degrees F during the day and 35-45 degrees F during the night) be causing this? I knew they would slow down, but I didn't know they would quit completely.

Also, what temperature extremes can chickens handle? My chickens have a coop, but refuse to sleep in it. They sleep on top of it.
How old are they? This is the time of year for moults, alot of birds will quit laying until they've grown their feathers back
It's not the lower temps it's the fact that there's less daylight. I have 4 EE's and 1 has stopped laying completely (of course it's the only one that lays a green egg) the other 3 are still laying. Putting a light in the coop to up the amount of daylight may get them laying again. I add an hour more light before dawn and then an hour at night so they get about 14 hours total light on them.
Can't help you with the chickens sleeping on the roof, silly birds, but you may want to go out there after dark and put them in the coop each night. That may give them the right idea.

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