week old chick died


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
I had hatched a chick a week ago. It was the only one that hatched, but it was healthy. I had two chicks that I hatched 3 1/2 weeks earlier, but they were WAY too big to put that little chick in with them. So we decided to get our lonely chick a couple from our local feed store as soon as they got their chicks in (they just got them yesterday). So we bought four chicks, and brought them home. They all seemed fine this morning, but this afternoon, our home grown chick started acting ill, and passed late this evening. Could the new chicks have carried a disease that would have killed it that quickly? The new chicks came from the Murrey McMurrey hathery.
So much can happen to those little ones. I lost one to the "chick" waterer. My favorite little runt. Fell in and drowned in that tiny amount of water. Lost one other to "pasting up". Had never heard of it, and when the chick began acting listless I had no idea I should scrape the dried droppings off. I thought it was just really sleepy.

So sorry about your chick.
I kind of doubt that your chick caught something that fast. Sometimes they die and you never know why. It's hard to say whether the chick had something internally wrong with it. Sorry your chick died.
I had a little chicken die too. It was only a few weeks old. I was devastated. I thought, perhaps, a piece of hay had somehow got stuck inside of her - I had rescued her from being attached to a piece or grass only that morning - and she had seemed fine afterwards - then she suddenly died later the same day. I was heartbroken!
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I know that they just die sometimes, but it was a bit wierd that we bought 4 more chicks so that it wouldn't be alone, and then it dies.

Well, at least I got some barred rocks that I wanted.

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