Weird Acting Chicken With Weird Looking Poop!!!!!!!!!

We picked up Corid at our local Grange. Ours came in a powder. I am guessing most feed stores should carry it. I keep Poultry Nutri-Drench on hand for any chicks or hens that are sick or week. Gives them fluids and vitamins at the same time. Have a Speckled Sussex that was stuck on a plane an extra day sick and weak when we picked her up. Didn't think she would make it but she pulled through after I gave her the PND for 2 days.
Liquids are important at this point. Maybe an eye dropper and just a tiny bit of fluids at a time. You don't want to give too much too quickly and asphyxiate it.
For feeding I found the easy way was to make a mash like wet oatmeal out of the feed and get a bit on my finger, pry the beak open with one hand and wipe the feed in the corner of the beak with the other hand.

This should take you to a dosage information:
Any place that sells cattle feed should carry Couid and Sulmet. I like the liquid best as you use such small amounts to treat chickens. Any time you buy meds be sure to check expire by date.

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