Weird Egg Abbreviations


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 19, 2012
Carrboro, NC
Hello all,

for xmas, my dad ordered me a dozen fertilized eggs off Amazon, which came today. I know a few of the abbreviations (BR=Barred Rock, RR-Rhode Island Red), but there are quite a few that have me stumped. I've listed them exactly as they're written on the eggs:

1: SB? BT
2. AZR
3.RS Wh <----Is this a red sex-linked crossed with a white leghorn?
4. CM <---Is this Cuckoo Maran?
6. Wh <----Is this a white leghorn? Which would be weird because the egg is green...

Any help would be appreciated!
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Agreed. Have to find out from the seller. Nearly everybody codes their eggs differently. I myself have my breeding pens numbered so my eggs don't get letters at all but the pen number.
If the seller cannot take the time to answer you, I would cross them off your list and not use them again. You aren't complaining, you have every right to know what the letters mean.

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