Weird Egg Day!


10 Years
Jul 29, 2009
My 11 pullets have slowly worked up from 3-4 to 7 eggs a day. Which I thought was good for Feb. In Michigan. They are new layers.

Today I got my 7 , but on the droppings board under the roast where 3: a shell less one and 2 brown eggs that were cracked. This has never happened before. The first week any of them started laying, I got 3-4 days worth on floor of coop, before they started using nestbox.

So now big suprise....I hope it is new layers, not problems or something scaring hens. THey have done well so far. So we shall see.

Any ideas will help.

Keep smiling!

You could give the girls a treat of some yogurt - calcium might help the shelless egg. I have one that lays soft shelled eggs every so often. Even though mine have been laying for a while, I sometimes find an egg on the dropping board. I think maybe it is eaither a very early morning layer- or maybe the line to the nestbox is too long.
The cracked eggs could have been from dropping on to the board. It is probably new layers who just haven't gotten the hang of it yet.
Thanks LilBizzy and Dawg 53 for the replies. I'll add yogurt and watch for a few days, then add another nestbox if needed.

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