Weird egg in the nesting box, is it an egg???

I think that is a runty, misshapen potato. Perhaps one of your girls found it growing underground and decided to take it to the nestbox.
I could be wrong, but unless it has a shell, I'm thinking potato.
Not a potato, one side is clearly the yellow yolk and I'm not sure what the other side is. They are connected by a clear tube like thing. It is soft but firm.
Not a potato, one side is clearly the yellow yolk and I'm not sure what the other side is. They are connected by a clear tube like thing. It is soft but firm.
Sorry! It totally looks like some home-grown potato someone gave us once. Sorry. Just ignore that post.
Just an oddity that sometimes happens. Perhaps one of your hens was becoming eggbound or something like that. Unless it happens again or one of your hens seems ill, it probably isn't anything to worry about and you likely won't see anything like it again for a long time.

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