Weird egg


Dec 8, 2019
The Netherlands, Flushing
Solla has started laying no shell eggs sinds 10 of march. She didn't lay at a normal freqency 2 no shell eggs a week 5 in total. The 16 of march i started with calcium tablets, the 21 she laid her first shelled egg again but they are smaller than they youst to be with calcium deposits. The bottom one is hers.
She is 1 year old Easter Egger.
I think it started do to stress sinds that is the time iv'e got another pullet. She also really bullies the pullet, they have a 8m2 run and they free range every other day in the garden.
Do i have to do anyting so she will lay normal eggs again?
And how can i have the zen back in the run?
Sometimes new layers can lay odd eggs. Has she had a calcium source available to her at all times (oyster shell or layer feed?) If not that could be contributing to her no-shell eggs.
Yes they are on layer feed and they have oyster shells and grit availble all times, but she has been laying for 3 months 4 a week and those never looked odd.
I think it started do to stress sinds that is the time iv'e got another pullet. She also really bullies the pullet, they have a 8m2 run and they free range every other day in the garden.
How long ago did you add the new bird?
You only have the 2 birds?
Stress an definttely effect egg quality.
How long ago did you add the new bird?
You only have the 2 birds?
Stress an definttely effect egg quality.
The 10 of march i introduced them to eachother, that evening she laid her first shelles egg of the roost.
I have 3 birds in total, Ginny and Solla the easter eggers and Polly Wops the cochin. Ginny and Solla get along, and Ginny and Polly Wops get along, only Solla wil bully Polly Wops and draw blood.
I also think its stress related i dont know how to eliminate it.
Solla has laid 2 shelled eggs now, but they are much smaller, not her normal collar, round and with calcium diposits.
Will that be normal with time or when ther is no more stress?
Sorry if it is a bit incoherent.

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