Weird egg?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 9, 2012
Southwestern PA
Three young Golden Buffs (red sex links)
So I have gotten some strange eggs lately, some huge double yokers, some almost white eggs, but this is a first.
This morning my daughter said that an egg was laid in the run, almost white in color. I didn't think much of it as it seemed fine. All three hens have been previously using the nest boxes, sometimes all in one. This afternoon I checked the nest boxes, sure enough, two regular brown eggs and this (see pic).
It has the consistency of a water balloon. the yolk and white looked fine when I broke it open. I am sure it is fine, just young hens getting their gear in order, but thought I would check with you all just to be sure. Thanks

You are probably 100% correct in everything you have guessed about that egg. I call them 'membrane eggs' because the hard shell wasn't put on the egg. I have heard it is o.k. to cook and eat them. My dh's grandmother did. For my part, I feed them back to the chickens.

Make sure that your layers have adequate calcium. A good layer's feed is important and the label on the bag will tell you the amount of calcium it contains.

Also put out oyster shell, should they need to snack on some more. Once I have cracked an egg in the kitchen, I save the shell...and I crush the shells and feed them back to the chickens. They love it.

Vinegar (apple cider) in their water (1Tbsp per gallon) helps them absorb the nutrients they need to make good eggshells.

If you have a lot of shell-problems, then you may want to consider giving them some extra vitamin D3.
I've been getting really weird eggs with very fragile shells lately from one red hen. Today was a doozy. Can anyone tell me what is wrong? The other day I had to physically extract something like this from her. Cheers. file://localhost/Users/juliaschafer/Pictures/iPhoto%20Library/Modified/2012/17:08:2012_2/IMG_1340.jpg
Three young Golden Buffs (red sex links)
So I have gotten some strange eggs lately, some huge double yokers, some almost white eggs, but this is a first.
This morning my daughter said that an egg was laid in the run, almost white in color. I didn't think much of it as it seemed fine. All three hens have been previously using the nest boxes, sometimes all in one. This afternoon I checked the nest boxes, sure enough, two regular brown eggs and this (see pic).
It has the consistency of a water balloon. the yolk and white looked fine when I broke it open. I am sure it is fine, just young hens getting their gear in order, but thought I would check with you all just to be sure. Thanks

She just forgot to put the shell on, that's all! She will remember next time.

I hate reaching into a nest and finding those--the texture just gives me the heebie-jeebies. It is funny to give them to the dogs who are used to having to crack a shell, though!!

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