Weird eggs since molt - normal?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
My LF buff brahma hen Maggie finished a very quick molt and started laying again on Sunday. She looks so pretty in her new "clothes".

She laid an egg Sunday, yesterday and again today. The eggs are huge! I have small hands, but the eggs completely fill my palm.
The eggs are misshapen however. They are normal, though large, for about 2/3s, and then they come to an sharp and abrupt point. Almost like a sharpened crayon.

Normal? Will she ever go back to laying normal-shaped eggs?
I have been getting some eggs that look a lot like that. VERY big, but slight disformities to the more exagerated like you described.. It will be interesting to see what you get for a response
Were yours after a molt? I've seen plenty of minor defects since my girls started laying, but this one takes the cake.

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