We have a walk in chx coop with auto door that leads into netted run. We generally leave the netted run open (through a door under the coop) so they can wake up and free range.
Our chx are totally free ranging, and we lose chickens now and then. More to our own dog than anything (he'll be fine for 6 months then kill a chicken), but commonly lose a chicken to coons and occasionally a fox or weasel.
This morning we had our favorite hen dead in the coop. The hen had skin stripped from her upper breast and ALL skin and feathers were gone from her neck and skull. It wasn't a ripped neck with bloodletting like a weasel would do, and it wasn't chewed into like a coon would do.
We are wondering what predator this could be.... and we are worried that it was maybe the other hens. This awesome hen just did the greatest broody hatching and mothering of 5 babies I've ever seen. Got them to near adulthood (and all 5 were killed by a now-dead fox and our jerk of a dog). Last chick, nearly full grown, was killed last week. The hen had been living in a small side coop raising her babies and has continued to sleep in it even after we opened it and let her and the babies roam with the flock. Last night was the first night we moved her and reintroduced her to the main coop. This morning she was dead (we think early this morning, not late last night). She was sitting on more eggs where we found her.
Do you think this kill was a weird predator, or was it the reintroduction to the main sleeping quarters.? Again... She free ranges with the other 8 chickens all day every day with no issues.
Our chx are totally free ranging, and we lose chickens now and then. More to our own dog than anything (he'll be fine for 6 months then kill a chicken), but commonly lose a chicken to coons and occasionally a fox or weasel.
This morning we had our favorite hen dead in the coop. The hen had skin stripped from her upper breast and ALL skin and feathers were gone from her neck and skull. It wasn't a ripped neck with bloodletting like a weasel would do, and it wasn't chewed into like a coon would do.
We are wondering what predator this could be.... and we are worried that it was maybe the other hens. This awesome hen just did the greatest broody hatching and mothering of 5 babies I've ever seen. Got them to near adulthood (and all 5 were killed by a now-dead fox and our jerk of a dog). Last chick, nearly full grown, was killed last week. The hen had been living in a small side coop raising her babies and has continued to sleep in it even after we opened it and let her and the babies roam with the flock. Last night was the first night we moved her and reintroduced her to the main coop. This morning she was dead (we think early this morning, not late last night). She was sitting on more eggs where we found her.
Do you think this kill was a weird predator, or was it the reintroduction to the main sleeping quarters.? Again... She free ranges with the other 8 chickens all day every day with no issues.