Weird hygrometers


12 Years
Sep 17, 2007

There is a problem in my hygrometers. 2 are manual while one is digital.

I calibrated them all with that salt and water experiment.

1 manual hygro gave reading of about 74.5 while the other manual hygrometer showed reading of 65.
while digital hygrometer showed 55.

When i put these 2 manual hygrometers together in same incubator both of them showed almost same reading, i.e 53 or 54.
Isn't that weird?

Any other experienced this situation?

What do u say? I need help.

could they be reading at different heights honestly i have never put in multiply hygrometers multiply temp gauges yes do that often checking for hotspots but they are of the same brand (bellsouth) i did put a digital in once and yes it read different but it suspect it was due to the height of the sensor. i use a still air bator so if yours has a fan it could even be reading different because of air movement maybe try using all the same make and model hygrometers

There is a problem in my hygrometers. 2 are manual while one is digital.

I calibrated them all with that salt and water experiment.

1 manual hygro gave reading of about 74.5 while the other manual hygrometer showed reading of 65.
while digital hygrometer showed 55.

When i put these 2 manual hygrometers together in same incubator both of them showed almost same reading, i.e 53 or 54.
Isn't that weird?

Any other experienced this situation?

What do u say? I need help.


are the readings of 74.5, 65 and 55 reading BEFORE calibration or after?
Did you place all three in the same bag at the same time when calibrating?.. if not the numbers could be off because of a slight difference in the amount of salt / water in each bag

If you did calibrate them all in the same bag at the same time you also need to take into consideration how much they may have changed each time the bag was opened (opening the bag causes the humidity to change instantly).. hence altering the calibration by a smidge

one other possibility with the manuals is a "sticky needle".. where it will pause a bit here and there until the humidity changes enough to "unstick" the needle

now having said all of that.. humidity by one point off is nothing to be worried about and nothing crucial.. you will get better results by ignoring the hygrometers altogether and monitoring air cell growth or weight loss of the eggs instead of "going by the book" and trusting hygrometers which need to be calibrated before each and every hatch (and may still be wrong if your calibration methods are off or because of a design flaw). Since the porosity of your eggs will vary from hatch to hatch or from one source to another.. and the relative humidity of your home will vary depending on the weather and time of year... the eggs are your most reliable barometer of what the humidity should be for that particular hatch at that particular time of the year


Yes, these manual hygrometres were put together inside the incubator at same levels close to each other. Thanks.


Well these readings of 74.5, 65 and 55, were after putting them in salt and water sealed bag, together in one bag. I put them together for overnight. and checked other morning and found those above mentioned readings. In Incubator manual ones were placed on same level and they both were giving almost same reading (while in salt and water bag after calibration they were 74.5 and 65).
The bag was transparent see thru, so i put them together and without opening i found those readings.
I will look into this sticky needle thing.

Yep this air cell growth is the best thing. I will check thru it also. Thanks

I also read some posts on internet. Same thing happened with some person and at the end they just said that these China made hygrometers are not reliable :(. Is that true?



Yes, these manual hygrometres were put together inside the incubator at same levels close to each other. Thanks.


Well these readings of 74.5, 65 and 55, were after putting them in salt and water sealed bag, together in one bag. I put them together for overnight. and checked other morning and found those above mentioned readings. In Incubator manual ones were placed on same level and they both were giving almost same reading (while in salt and water bag after calibration they were 74.5 and 65).
The bag was transparent see thru, so i put them together and without opening i found those readings.
I will look into this sticky needle thing.

Yep this air cell growth is the best thing. I will check thru it also. Thanks

I also read some posts on internet. Same thing happened with some person and at the end they just said that these China made hygrometers are not reliable :(. Is that true?


yeah.. the "cheaper" the hygrometer the more unreliable it is.. same with any other testing device...

so if you were to compare accuracy between a nice laboratory (scientific use in a lab) hygrometer to one you purchase off of ebay .. the one made specifically for use in a lab will be a lot more accurate

for air cell monitoring..
the lines below the numbers indicate where the bottom of the air cell should be on that day of incubation

for monitoring weight loss.. you would need to know the species (chicken, duck, turkey, emu and so on) then calculate the needed weight loss per day / week and monitor it by daily or weekly weighings.. amount of weight loss (%) will vary depending on species..
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Yes thats right.

Thanks for this drawing, i will follow it.


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