Weird noise


In the Brooder
Sep 19, 2018
Today when I was loading more food into their feeder I noticed one of the ameraucana‘s was making a weird noise over and over. She went to the roosting bar and was still making the sound. I went to check about 30 minutes later to see if she settled down but she’s still going strong. I attached the link to the clip if anyone could help? She doesn’t have any wounds on her and allowed me to pick her up and prod just fine. They are only about 14 weeks old so I don’t think she is laying yet.

It is faint, but she may be having stridor, a high pitched sound chickens make during breathing if there is something stuck in the airway, such as a piece of food or mucus, or even tissue swelling from a respiratory disease. Here is a good video of that sound (skip to the 30 second mark) along with sneezing or snicking every now and then from what I assume was a respiratory infection:

Sometimes stridor will clear up on it’s own if the chicken coughs or clears the airway within an hour or two. If not there may be a viral or bacterial infection. Here is a good link to read about the common respiratory illnesses including infectious bronchitis, MG or mycoplasma, coryza, and ILT:
Thank you!!! Hopefully it is just strider... we had them vaccinated when we got them so I was hoping it would help with not having any illness in the beginning. I saw that video as well and that sounds a little different from what ours is doing.

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