Weird noise


Apr 21, 2011
Allenton, MI
When saying goodnight to my girls settling in on their roost, 2 of them were making a noise I've never heard before. They were opening and closing their mouths and making a noise that sounded like a person smacking their lips. One of them proceeded to wipe her beak on my arm repeatedly afterward. Any ideas?
My serama hen made a noise when it was time to go to bed. It was really quiet. "ear-ear-ear" I miss that. My girls wipe their beaks on my feet when I'm in the run.
It seems like they wipe their beaks a lot. I wouldn't know the technical reason but it seems normal for mine. Especially after eating. My Roo's make a really odd noise it's like a gargled scream. I wish I knew what that was about!

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