Weird or Normal?


8 Years
Jun 1, 2011
Putnam Valley, NY
My (approx) 4 week old gals are digging holes in the pine shavings, kind of half burying themselves and then shaking around... this normal or do I have a bunch of weirdos?

I think they may be a little weird... I gave them crickets the other day - and 6 of the 7 chicks ran away from them in a panic
They're dust bathing, something they love to do. As for the crickets.... well, yes that is weird!
Seriously, I'm guessing they were just afraid of something new -- very normal for them. Maybe they were a little young. I've never seen mine do anything but attack like crazy if I give them something like crickets or grasshoppers.
LoL... no, Petsmart crickets that are teeny tiny. Hahaha.

They dust bathe in pine shavings? Ack!

Mine ran away from all treats when they were than young too. Give them time. Before you know it, they will be pecking at your fingers for more and you'll miss the days when they were so sweet and gentle.
Mine (8 weeks old) are looking at canteloupe rinds like they were gifts from the Devil right now. They'll come around. Once one gets brave they will go after them just like the big chickens do.
Chickens will try to dustbathe in anything with a texture they like. Shavings, dirt, sand, towels, socks, etc. Every batch of chicks I've ever had have done this. It's especially hysterical when they try to dustbathe on a towel. I try to explain to them that it's not going to work, but they just trill at me and *floof floof floof* away with their wings.

Silly things.

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