Weird roo behavior??


9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
Larkspur, CO
My EE roo does something odd each evening at dusk. Before they all head into the hen house, he goes headfirst, between the cochin's legs and settles in. She just stands there over him, while he gets cozy. He never does this with the EE, RIR, BR, or CW. Is he reverting to the childhood he never had? I imagine that, with her fluffy legs, the cochin has the warmest under-dwellings. I told him that it just doesn't look manly to act like a 3 day old chick, but he doesn't mind.
Sounds cute anyway
I was finally around to take a photo of Brie (named him when he was a chick) tucking in under the Buff Cochin. I was on the upper deck and that is as close as my camera would go, but at least I was able to snap a shot. When I went down the stairs, they thought they were getting a treat and I lost the photo op.

I have a question about my Cochin rooster - He's about 2 years old, and recently his son was really mean to him, beating him up bloody before I was able to separate them. I've removed the young aggressor from the flock, but poor old Silver has...lost his mojo. His wattles and comb have grown pale, and he doesn't crow anymore, or (as near as I can tell) mate with the hens anymore. He's always been a nice guy, and I'd like to keep him on as my sole rooster, but I'd also like to hatch eggs again someday.

Does anyone have relevant experience with this? Is there any hope he might bounce back, or has he permanently lost all status in the flock?

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