Weird "sticky" feather issue.


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 19, 2009
Milwaukie, OR
We have a RIR that we noticed had feathers that appear to be stuck or sticky. Rather dirty looking and we cleaned her up and clipped some of the bad feathers off.

Now we're noticing that a few of the other birds also seem to be developing this issue. They appear healthy, very active and still laying on schedule.

Any suggestions on how to cure this?

Have you checked them for parasites?
Do they free range? Where I live, certain grasses excrete a sticky sort of sap that makes the dogs and horses look very messy. Maybe your chickens are getting into a similar something.
I agree, both good ideas, check for mites/lice, then see if you have sticky weeds they run in....
they really only free range in the yard during the weekends. the rest of the time we have them in the coop and run.

How do I check for parasites?

I was thinking it might be lice or another parasite, but thought I'd ask here before I ran off to buy something that may or may not work.

Thanks for the welcome CMV!
I'm lazy, so I don't check my birds for parasites very often. I just assume they have them and treat them with DE several times a week, and then Sevin them and their coop monthly. I've never had a problem.

But, I know I've seen some folks describe the bug searching procedure, so this is a bump. Good luck.
You can see tiny bugs crawling on the skin at the base of the feathers near the vent. You can also see tiny egg clusters either at the base of the feathers in the same area, or going up the feather shaft.

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