Weird things your dogs/cats have eaten?

My black lab will either eat anything left laying around or just carry it around for ever. The one that made me the maddest was lawn mower wheels... while still atached to the mower!


the chocolate will how ever turn her nose up at just about anything that is not in her food dish!
Wait a sec....those styrofoam things....or your would-have-been-roos?

The cornstarch packing peanuts, fortunatly he hasn't gotten hold of styrofoam ones. Yet. that would probably mean another trip to the vet.
I used to have an Astralian shephard (he is unfortunately gone now) when he was a puppy he would shred aluminam cans and he would never have a scratch on his gums. He was a special dog.
I woke up this morning to find that my 2 well fed house cats ate a WHOLE bag of trail mix. Sure its not as unusual as some none food items others pets have eaten. But why would cats eat trail mix???

Thought it was strange.
For the M&Ms!!!!

Well I think it's strange too.

Even if they wanted the candy, cats are capable of picking out certain kibbles from a mix of 3 almost identical looking brands (can you tell we're switching cat feed?)
soooooo if I was a cat who wanted the M&M's I would have just picked out the M&M's and left the rest.

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