Weird things your dogs/cats have eaten?

It's amazing how many people have dogs and cats that can open up cupboards and get to these items...

My pooch loves when the farrier comes. Also likes to follow the goat trail along the driveway when I let the goats out. Like a candy dispenser.
that did it! I just threw up in my mouth.

Oh thats really gross!!! LOL

My pit steals pumpkins outta my garden, he ate a whole LB of raw bacon yesterday. My american bulldog LOVES poop, whose poop, doesnt matter. Hers, his the cats, chickens doesnt matter. She also ate 12 whole eggs outta my basket once!
OH, i forgot one!!!
My pit Ham ate a hole in the wall!!! Not kidding one nite i was sound asleep in my bed that was up against the wall, Hams with me. I wake up real early in the morning with what feels like paste all over my arms and hands. He shredded the plaster all the way to the studs!! It was a hole about the size of a basketball. I still have no idea why he did that. That was one of MANY adventures weve had together.
My mom's bichon did that. In three places. It took ALOT of spackle to fill those holes. The little brat.

My cats eats paper anything. Paper towels, toilet paper, candy wrappers, burger wrappers, etc.
The hole in the wall thing reminded me of when we had our terrier mix (ugliest dog ever/best dog ever) we were remodeling and had pulled up the old lino in the kitchen, took us a while to get new laid down and the dog was always pulling up the old paper backing off the floor and eating it....glue and all.
I have one to add to my list... I came home today and my 9 week old pyranees has a flotation device from our boat. (It's one of the square cushion kind with handles on it.) One whole corner is missing...
1st question: How did he get in and out of the boat?
2nd question: Did he chew up the missing contents small enough to pass?

Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode of Pet Digest!
We had a rottie mix that consumed a very large pumpkin. Needless to say, she spent the day out in the yard not feeling too well. That same dog ate a duct tape ball we had made for the cat as a toy.

Oh, and our current dog at halloween time, if given the opportunity, sneaks into our pantry/closet room and steals candy from the kids trick or treat bags.
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After reading the earlier posts in this thread, I remembered that Emma also enjoys any color crayon laying around. Yes, she has some very pretty and colorful poops

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