Weirdest thing I've ever seen!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 5, 2014
I've been having a horrible time trying to incubate. Made a lot of changes/ adjustments to improve hatch with little improvement so far. This is what I came home to tonight....a leg jutting out of the egg. Chicks head was at narrow end of egg. They seem to be unable to come out the right way. Air sac looks good in all the eggs. What is going on!?


Can't imagine how it got the leg out.....this is the second so far but the other wasn't as lucky. Could this be hereditary ?
Malposition is not usually hereditary, except in some case where there is a vitamin deficiency in the hen. Yours looks like the "Feet over Head" malposition.

IMO common causes:
High Temps
Improper egg storage prior to incubating
Wrong end down
Turning angle not correct
More commonly found in eggs incubated in the horizontal position.
I have them in an egg turner. Have several that are at 17 days. I wonder if it would help if I repositioned them instead of the more upright position the turner puts them in to a side position?
Those right at 17-18 days are actually now trying to position themselves for hatch. The proper position is with the head under the right wing with the head directed toward the aircell in the large end of the egg, so at thistime probably not much you can do. IMO proper temps and turning cycle most important factors. Even with the best you do with the best eggs, some may malposition. I have helped after 24 hrs and some live and some die. Your choice to offer help or let nature handle.

Best to you.
I always and have almost 100% success with that but it shouldn't be the norm which seems to be the case. I'm hoping with the ones coming up I have some that can come out by themselves. I just have to figure out what's causing it. Thanks!
Egg we affectionately call it is doing great. I have several more that are on day 17. Hoping they will do better. I will post results. Fingers crossed!

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