welcome to camp were-creature! ~RP~

Have your charrie follow Pyrros and Eirwen.

Kat followed Pyrros and Eirwen
name: Alexa ( @ bluedragonfire... haha i couldn't help myself :p :p i just had to post her yet again...)
were-pheonix (thunder [extremely rare])
class: 2
gender: F
age: 21
appearence: look at pix.


abilities: control over weather, sound, + storms, can fly, can turn invisible, has sonic scream (can screech with a sound just like thunder) can burst into flames (all pheonixes except Water and Snow can.), can swim.
pets: a barred owl named Twilight

other:she owns the camp and runs all the activities, as she can swim, fly, and run. She also likes to hang out with the prince and princess when they’re at the camp.
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name: Alexa ( @ bluedragonfire... haha i couldn't help myself :p :p i just had to post her yet again...)
were-pheonix (thunder [extremely rare])
class: 2
gender: F
age: 21
appearence: look at pix.


abilities: control over weather, sound, + storms, can fly, can turn invisible, has sonic scream (can screech with a sound just like thunder) can burst into flames (all pheonixes except Water and Snow can.), can swim.
pets: a barred owl named Twilight

other:she owns the camp and runs all the activities, as she can swim, fly, and run. She also likes to hang out with the prince and princess when they’re at the camp.

I'd put it up in the character page, but somehow the character page got really messed up.

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