Well done Paprika!


Still learning
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Jan 28, 2018
Gower, Wales
I want to give a shout out to my young hen Paprika, who happened to go broody just when I thought my favorite hen (Venka) was lost forever, and so I gave P a clutch of V's eggs, although P was just a pullet. She sat them diligently and on 1st July hatched 7/8, the day after her own first birthday.

She has been a fantastic broody, taught them all how to forage and free-range and negotiate the rest of the flock, and managed to get all 7 to independence.

Today she has returned to the flock, after four days of transition, spending the days with them and then, when they were all tucked up in the nest boxes, slipping out that coop to spend the nights with the grown ups. The separation seems to have been achieved with no aggression; she just drifted away, and they are confident enough to not worry about it. She must be a broody in a hundred; certainly the best I've ever had. :love

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