Well I didn't think I had a predator.


Nov 21, 2018
Not of the chicken variety. I am feeding the small wild birds too. Chick-a-dees sparrows etc. So I get up to get my morning banana and what do I see on my small bird feeder. A SQUIRREL hanging up side down. Ate a good 1/4 of what was in there. Thing is he spilt a lot on the ground. Can I say sob. I wonder if he's the one I saw earlier digging in the snow up to his shoulders. We have about 10-12 inches on the ground. Don't know what he was after. I have no seed/nut trees. No acorns that I know of. Would he be after a small mouse. Now I have to go out and shovel. Because I think he just jumped up there and latched on.

And to think I was gonna take a nap.
Squirrels are opportunistic feeders. If they see a bird feeder, they are going to be into it.

We have all sorts of nut trees around us yet the squirrels will raid the feeders. They even chew on our oak steps and have forced us to put metal angle Iron on the edges to protect them from further damage.

Where we live, when they get to be a nuisance we just pop them with a .22. Luckily, we also have a large population of red tailed and red shouldered hawks along with owls that keep the population pretty much under control.

If you aren't comfortable or can't shoot them, you can also get a squirrel proof feeder or a squirrel baffle to protect your feeders. I've had some luck with a squirrel proof feeder although several years ago I did look out to see a squirrel hanging by it's back feet from the shepherd's staff in order to hang upside down and reach into the squirrel proof feeder for a snack.

Guess there are a few that have a light bulb working in the old noggin! LOL.
Squirrels are opportunistic feeders. If they see a bird feeder, they are going to be into it.

We have all sorts of nut trees around us yet the squirrels will raid the feeders. They even chew on our oak steps and have forced us to put metal angle Iron on the edges to protect them from further damage.

Where we live, when they get to be a nuisance we just pop them with a .22. Luckily, we also have a large population of red tailed and red shouldered hawks along with owls that keep the population pretty much under control.

If you aren't comfortable or can't shoot them, you can also get a squirrel proof feeder or a squirrel baffle to protect your feeders. I've had some luck with a squirrel proof feeder although several years ago I did look out to see a squirrel hanging by it's back feet from the shepherd's staff in order to hang upside down and reach into the squirrel proof feeder for a snack.

Guess there are a few that have a light bulb working in the old noggin! LOL.
Ha I covered the whole post with cooking oil, And now the NutHatch can't get up the post to the suet. But that's ok because I brought the feeder in. And I'm going to Wally World tomorrow and buy a slinky. Put it on the pole and the squirrel can't climb:woot:yesss::gig
Ha I covered the whole post with cooking oil, And now the NutHatch can't get up the post to the suet. But that's ok because I brought the feeder in. And I'm going to Wally World tomorrow and buy a slinky. Put it on the pole and the squirrel can't climb:woot:yesss::gig
Slinky on the pole? That is interesting, I have never seen that. Can you post a picture of that so I can see how that works?
Our squirrels seem to be able to engineer ways to get to the feeders. Jump here, then jump there, oh look! I'm in the feeder, sort of thing. I've had them tear up plastic feeders. Now I use wire feeders and hanging platform feeders. Especially like the platforms. Makes it easier to pick em off with the scoped .22 without hitting the feeder!:yesss:

Keep in mind, they will also raid bird houses if given the chance. I caught one trying to reach into one of my blue bird boxes.....needless to say it was the last bird house he tried to raid.

Yeah, I don't like tree rats aka squirrels and treat them with extreme prejudice.
I might have to get a mangey barn cat and post him out doors. My DIL has a 20lb Morris Cat. Wandered in from the city streets. I don't think it can walk even. She got the cat when she was a teenager and didn't realize not to feed it some much. He lives upstairs and you can hear him yowling all over the house. Maybe he wouldn't be a deterrent. I don't care for cats so that's out.
I refuse to be defeated by a squirrel.

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