Well, I knew I was going to end up here.Bock,bock,bock everybody.


RIP 1975-2022
May 23, 2017
Greenville S.C, formerly Noneya U.S.A
Hi there,new here but only semi new to the chicken sickness.I am the owned by a flock of three hens and a roo in addition to three little bitty hens and a little bitty roo "going on two months".I just had my first go at mail order eggs,did pretty good three outta four from MPC and in doing so discovered the magic of faverolles,So im here to be with the like minded and of course brag on the chick kids.Nice to be here and please for the love of pete don't peck my head.:)
By bitty hens do you mean Bantams? I have a Dutch Bantam. She loves to hatch chicks. Welcome to BYC! If you have any questions (chicken related and beyond) feel free to ask! oh and by the way, I am obsessed with my chickens!
  1. Hi there! You can call me CC! I decided not to put my real name out there. Welcome to BYC! I hope you enjoy it; I know I do. I am a homeschooler, working on having a homestead, and I own a farming blog with my sister.
  2. www.bootsandchickenpoop.wix.com/mysite

    I love the song "Fearless" (I forgot who it's from! :lol:), I love the country and Tennessee. I have a bunny, 12 chickens, 2 ducks, 4 cats, 2 dogs and one Fancy Goldfish. (I don't think I'm forgetting anyone! :lau)

    My phone has been going a little wacky, so it might look weird! :p
Thanks for the nice welcome y'all! And by bitty hens I mean babes/toddlers I wish I had bantams but mine are all biggies. I have three faverolles babes,one I dunno babe three I dunno hens and a beats me roo. Im kind of hoping to find out what kinda chickens I've actually got by being here.
I love Faverolles. You should be glad you don't have Bantams, many go broody very easily! I have no idea how i got 18 chickens, but that she contributed somehow-and i did a little. I am hatching some for my neighbors now because she wanted to hatch a week after finishing with her last batch. She is a little crazy about raising chicks!
Dutch Bantams are a good breed, but they are small and can only hatch four eggs or less at once. Silkies are super broody, but i have heard of their long chest feathers strangling chicks (but of course you could trim them), and they can't see too well (trimming could help too with that). Sussex, Brahmas, Nankin Bantams, and ISA Browns are also broody breeds. Let me warn you, it's great at first to have all the chicks you want, but later, when you have a million chickens, you will regret it!:barnie Maybe get one hen of a broody breed and then hatch some chicks, and break her broodiness. If you decide to, good luck chick raising! If you have any questions, i have raised several batches and can help.:D

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