Well I need my BYC friends help in picking out or coming up with a name!!!

java girl 2

8 Years
May 17, 2011
I need help in picking out a name or coming up with a new name! I will give a little back round on the place and what I want to do. I have fields, A creek that runs through the place, an OLD oak tree and a red barn. I am making Quilts, I will be selling poultry and rabbits in the spring and will be shipping birds as well. I really want to have all of the above on the same website I am going to make! These are the names I came up with so far................ Oak Field Farm, Oak Country Farms, Field & Country Farms, Red Barn Farm, The Old Creek Farm, The Old Field & Creek Farm. HELP!!!!!!
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Oak Creek Run, Country Birds & Bits , Sew Country Farm, Old Tree Creek Farm, lol I am just throwing out odd thoughts...have fun...maybe add in your location or your last name/kids names etc...something to make it different

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