Well, took out the clears...

98 gt

a man of many... chickens
12 Years
Jan 14, 2009
Marshville NC
Today is day seven, and it's time to candle.. Of the 120 bobwhite eggs I'd set, 96 were fertile... That's 80% fertility... Not bad for shipped eggs from eBay...
Sounds great GT! What you planning on doing with that many bobs?
Maybe start selling eggs and meat birds... I also have 2 coturnix (1roo 1 hen) he started crowing and waiting for some eggs... I'm not totally sure what I want to do yet... Still trying to find my niche.
I have raised both Bobs and Coturnix....Love them both...but if I had to pick one or the other...Coturnix would be my pick! But if I was picking based on CALLS.....it would be bobwhite lol.
Be sure to post pics when they hatch....
I may turn the bobwhite out per my permit, the local covey(sp?) had been depleted many many years ago...
You should! I would if I had the room and time and pacience to get my permit......those and pheasants I'd love to release and restock around here.....and then try to keep people from walking back in public woods and shooting them
If i ever get to live on a huge property where no one can just come in and shoot my birds I'd most deffinatly get a permit and release them and pheastants just for my own enjoyment...im sure i' dmanage them if they bred well but im sure the wildlife would keep them in check....or deplete them completley lol.

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