Welsh Harlequin

Nice birds mairead. Do guinea fowl and ducks mix well? Is there no problems for the guinea with dirty water?
Is that a silver appleyard in the first picture? I would love some of then. But there arent any in my country.

my guineas and ducks do great together. I haven't had any issues yet. I am constantly changing their water so it wont become dirty. And in the first picture its the same duck but he was molting so he looks different.
Ugh this ducks are so beautiful! I can't deside between them or ancona's on the khaki cambells! Is it ok to have mixed flocks or will they interbreed and dilute the genes? Such gorgeous animals!
They will interbreed, but there is nothing wrong with that if you are looking to keep them for yourself; if you are trying to sell babies, people usually like purebred animals, but that is not to say you wouldn't be able to sell a cross-bred...
Maxine99, if you have 1 campbell drake, 1 ancona drake, 1 wh drake, 3 campbell hens, 3 ancona hens and 3 wh hens. Then you will get a lot of purebred and a lot of crossbred.
You can eat the crossbred, and keep the rest for breding and laying.

Even with 1 drake and three different hens you will get some purebred.
Have any of your male ducks just ran away before? mine got out, and bth the boys RAN away, so im boyless :( i have two girls right now and no boys of any breed to breed them to. i did order some more WH from metzer though.... i just dont understand!!! :,(
A domestic duck/drake is highly unlikely to run away. Stolen, scared off by or taken by a predator are much higher possibilities.

Where was he when he disappeared and when did you last see him?
Sandara-- Nice Lake!

I want WH now.
Thanks! Let us know if you get some, I think they are great!
I'd love to but I only have about 1/4 of an acre and my neighbors aren't exactly the most open minded (even thought we DO in fact live in a farm area) they already act like the neighborhood cats are demons or something so I can only imagine how they would act if I had a lot of ducks!
We have 2 drakes, and 3 ducks welsh harlequins silver phase, we've been getting one
egg daily without artifical light since October. We were planning to start collecting eggs for the incubator
in March, but now we are wondering if we should just let the ducks hatch their own
naturally. Anyone here let their welsh harlequin ducks naturally hatch, and if so
what do we need to provide them in order for a safe & successful hatch?
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