Welsh Harlequin

Have to agree with you Nebraskagirl - that's a little boy voice if I've ever heard one! And he looks larger than his gal friend too. Fun to see a video - they make a cute couple!!

I've read that beak color sexing has a 90% accuracy rate with WHs - guess you've got the one-in-ten.

Guess I did :) Here is a pic of the two of them at hatch (the one in question is on the left:

Thanks for all the replies. I took the video so everyone can tell what I am talking about :) Guess the names Thelma and Louise are not true then :( Need another name for Thelma it looks like :) Again, thanks everyone!!!
Guess I did :) Thank you! Here is a pic of the two of them at hatch (the one everyone thinks is a drake is on the left)

Thanks for all the replies. I took the video so everyone can tell what I am talking about :) Guess the names Thelma and Louise are not true then :( Need another name for Thelma it looks like :) Again, thanks everyone!!!
Umm...Theodore and Louise??

Must admit I'm officially Louise, not Weezy, but Louise sounds like someone's old Auntie!

Your ducks are just beautiful, no matter the gender. We had to lock ours up a bit early tonight (big storm coming) and they definitely gave us a piece of their minds! Our WH girls are MUCH louder than our Swedish girls, even though they're half the size.
Umm...Theodore and Louise??

Must admit I'm officially Louise, not Weezy, but Louise sounds like someone's old Auntie!

Your ducks are just beautiful, no matter the gender. We had to lock ours up a bit early tonight (big storm coming) and they definitely gave us a piece of their minds! Our WH girls are MUCH louder than our Swedish girls, even though they're half the size.

We've been calling him Thelmer. WH girls can be LOUD. Especially when they are upset :) Good idea about locking them up for the storm. Hope it's not too bad.
Lol my girls are definitely not afraid to give you a piece of their minds! Nyx has really quieted a lot since we first got her, though. Eris tries to break everyone's ear drums though lol!
Lol my girls are definitely not afraid to give you a piece of their minds! Nyx has really quieted a lot since we first got her, though. Eris tries to break everyone's ear drums though lol! I have some suspicions that Erebus might actually be a little girl, but only time will tell.
We decided to call "Thelma" Theodore or Teddy for short :) I love how my girls squeak and quack when they first get out of the pool; preening their feathers and sunning themselves. Teddy just tucks his head in and goes to sleep :) LOVE the Welshies.

Thought I'd share my welsh harlequin ducklings :)

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