Welsh Harlequin

I am brand new to ducks, I have raised chickens for years. After doing a ton of research, I decided to go with the Silver Welsh Harlequins. I am lucky that Holderread is just a 45 minute drive away. I took some advice to buy at least 6, so I could have a choice of the pair I wanted. They threw in a freebie as well.
These things are HUGE! And the eat and eat and eat, then drink and drink. lol. This is a totally different experience than raising chicks. They are now 6 weeks old. My question is, they came out of the exhibition/show quality line, how can I possibly decide which ones to keep??? I wanted them for slug/snail patrol, then maybe to sell hatching eggs. Any and all advice is appreciated!

Here is a pic of my three WH ducklings. I got the eggs from their pen, so I know they're not from the Muscovy hens. (their eggs are different, anyway)

Would love to know how I ended up with these different colorings. The one on the right looks WH, the middle one looks khaki, which I guess I could understand, but where did the left guy come from?

Below is a pic of my WH trio, in case that answers any questions. They were given to me and the guy who had them has zero information on them. He couldn't even tell me how old they were.

Your brood is gorgeous!!
Nebraskagirl I have 5 in total

Oh hey, are you the one who is worried you have five drakes?
Nebraskagirl yes I am :) I don't mind having all boys but I would just like a mixture of boys and girls sorry I didn't upload this to my other thread I didn't think the picture was good enough
Nebraskagirl yes I am
I don't mind having all boys but I would just like a mixture of boys and girls sorry I didn't upload this to my other thread I didn't think the picture was good enough

I really don't think you have ALL boys. You might have some,but surely not ALL boys

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