Welsh Harlequin

Egh this hatchery that hatchery I'm just glad they provide the services they do its like any other company there's competition I'm glad I got mine from a breeder within 2 hrs of where I live :) and cute pics no matter what they are boy or girl to cute to hate :)
I order my duckling from Holderread. I read a lot nice things about them. I'm getting them in April and yes they are going to be shipped to me. I read the book Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks great book. Now I have to wait for the warm weather and it doesn't look good, more snow for us on Monday!
This has been one CRAZY winter season.

The video page I mentioned isn't working for me so I will have to try it on another computer while I finish up my duck house plans.

Picked up everything but the duck house supplies today. Going out tomorrow with the DH for that.
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My PO lady called and said "You were supposed to be getting a call from me to get your ducks, but they are not here yet and I can't track them down."

Not the call I wanted to get this morning. Hopefully they will be on the afternoon truck.
My PO lady called and said "You were supposed to be getting a call from me to get your ducks, but they are not here yet and I can't track them down."

Not the call I wanted to get this morning. Hopefully they will be on the afternoon truck.
Thank you both for the thoughts. Crossing my fingers! If not this afternoon my hope is it's bright and early tomorrow morning. I just hope I don't lose them. :/ I know things like this happen, but that doesn't make it any better when it does.

I will be sure to keep you all updated.
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I wish I could. I would make the drive in a heartbeat, but I am not sure that they are even there and the PO couldn't tell me if they were either.
I will be calling my local distribution center once they open for calls.
On the bright side if I can pick them up I know my car will be warmer than the delivery truck.

Edit : Apparently they don't like getting phone calls about a living breathing shipment. I had better treatment when I had a kimono lost in the mail for a month. That being said, I was told they are emailing the center and searching.
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