Welsh Harlequin

Good point on the feed. I went to organic mash over the summer. Last laying period I was using a pelleted natural (but not organic) all vegetable mix.
It is entirely possible that there isn't enough calcium in the mix. She is not one of my free choices at the oyster grind either.

Thanks guys. I did do the calcium supplement yesterday and she didn't lay today, which is promising. I gave her another dose today. I'll finish out the
7 day regiment and then look into supplementing some pelleted food. I prefer the all organic so I may try your 23% method as well.

Thanks all. She's such a good little girl I hate loose her to over laying.



Thought I would share some pics of my lovely Welsh Harlequin girls. Top pic. is Miss Adelaide, gorgeous but quite shy, the next is Willow, and Sapphire taking a drink, and the last Miss Sapphire herself. I have 2 other hens and a Drake, I simply love this breed so pretty and such personalities!!
Thought I would share some pics of my lovely Welsh Harlequin girls. Top pic. is Miss Adelaide, gorgeous but quite shy, the next is Willow, and Sapphire taking a drink, and the last Miss Sapphire herself. I have 2 other hens and a Drake, I simply love this breed so pretty and such personalities!!
you gave some beautiful ducks there!
Question for my folks that breed wh if your holding their eggs for incubation how long do you hold them I've read 7 day and I've read 2 wks ?? Any help would be appreciated
We use eggs up to 7 days old. From what I read it said 10 days but we put eggs in the incubator weekly and also want to increase the chance they hatch successfully.
I don't know about WH as I haven't had a chance to hatch them yet, but last year I hatched Pekin eggs, and I only had 1 duck, and I collected 12 eggs. So the first 1 sat 12 days... and everysingle one of them hatched.

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