Welsh Harlequin

Harley, Quinn and Ducky

Cute ducklings!!
I'll have 10 of my own next Wednesday, if they all hatch. I'm keeping 2, giving 2 to a friend, and selling the rest. How much would these kids go for? I'm thinking $7 a piece since they aren't terribly common in my area. Do you all think that's too much?
how do I know the difference between a Blue swedish and a Harlinquin?? I mean they almost look the same as babies.....how does one tell the difference???
I don't know - trying to decide between WH and Saxony. Really thought I wanted Saxony but lately I'm loving the look of the WH.

Anyway I had to jump in because I haven't seen you on the board for a long time. Glad you're back.
ok Im back in this post....QUESTION.....as Im still trying to figure out my little odd ball that I was told is a MALLARD and then I came on here and everyone says BLUE SWEDISH.....
"THEN"...one of you WH ppl said it might be a Harlinquin....and got me lost....

I noticed tonight while looking at tails, on the ducklings that my odd ball has white tips coming in!!!!!! WHITE TIPS???? This is the one Im talking about
As my boys would say, "MY BAD". I didn't mean to get you "lost"
At first glance, for this untrained eye, I thought possible Harlequin. However, I quickly realized my mistake. Your ducky has a little yellow line by its eye, and its bill is different. That is why I now think it is a Swedish. Can we learn together, please?

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