Welsh Harlequin

YEAH!!!!! Got an email from Holderreads, they have moved my date up to April 25, with May 2 and 9 as alternate....I am soooo excited!! I am getting 6 gold and 6 silver all show quality... Man.. I am sooooo excited...

And went to Home Depot and got all the stuff for a coop yesterday.... Way more expensive than I plannned
BUT... they will have a nice house
It's funny because Peanut and Ritz have the same coloring, and look a lot alike. Then, Cookie and Skittles look alike. The two pairs were hatched a week apart from each other. Make since? Peanut and Cookie were hatched a week before Skittles and Ritz. I too easily amused.
Azhenhouse those look like really nice Welsh Harlequin teenagers! Can you see the colors on the wingbars yet? Blue wingbars are silver and bronze are gold. Yours seem to be towards the end of that long phase where their feathering is changing so much its often hard to tell the difference between gold and silver. You can easily tell them apart when they still have their yellow fuzz because the silvers have a charcoal blush on their heads, do you have photos of them then? At this point you might not know for sure until their wing bars grow out because there is so much variation between individual ducks it can be misleading. But I am guessing at least Skittles is silver because none of the gold I have seen get such dark hooding on their heads.

Of course I have photos.

Peanut and Cookie

Skittles and Ritz (Skittles is the darker one)
I got them from Nellabean. She got them from Metzer's last year right after I got my geese, so that's why I think it was June....This is our first time being lucky enough to have girls and the kids are just smitten with them.
I got them mid May.....I want to say they were hatched the 15th or 17th? Whatever Monday is closest to one of those dates.

They're a happy bunch, glad you are enjoying them. I did sell a dozen of their eggs locally and at least some were developing at an early candling...haven't checked with her since.
Hi all!! WH babies arrived today from Holderreads (with their Saxony friends). 17 total (8 WH and 9 Saxony) arrived safe and sound. I opened them at the post office to make sure they made it ok and got this pic. I think they were ready to go home....


To add...I think this is a good example of how you can sex them as day olds. The one in the bottom right corner with the light colored bill with the dark tip should be a female and the one at the bottom middle of the box with the completely dark bill should be a male.

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