Welsummer or Olive Egger (Welsummer & Cream Legbar Mix)


Dec 29, 2015
We have three chicks that we can't fully identify. We'd like to know if we have two Welsummers and one Olive Egger or visa versa. Can anyone help? The chicks are from Meyer Hatchery and they say their Olive Eggers are a Welsummer/Cream Legbar mix. The first picture is of chicken #1 who is a little larger than chick #2 and has a sister that looks just like her. The second two pictures are of chick #2.


They both look like Welsumers to me
#1 chick is larger (specifying a purer breed) and has a more Welsummer-like down on the head. I'm guessing she and her sister are the Welsummers. #2 chick is the Olive Egger. The earlobe color may differ when they're older, but I'm not sure.
Differences in size do not denote a pure breed, in my opinion anyway. I have many birds of the same breed that vary in size. Anyhoo...
Do any of the chicks have pea combs? My OEs do. Its possible to get a different comb type when mixing breeds to make something else, but that may help determine what's what. Can you post a picture of the different chick?
Differences in size do not denote a pure breed, in my opinion anyway. I have many birds of the same breed that vary in size. Anyhoo...
Do any of the chicks have pea combs? My OEs do. Its possible to get a different comb type when mixing breeds to make something else, but that may help determine what's what. Can you post a picture of the different chick?
That'd be interesting. Both Welsummers and Cream Legbars have single combs, but depending on the genotype, the comb can potentially be different.
Ugh, der. I completely spaced out on the CLs having single combs. All the Christmas rush has me in my own little world, don't mind me :oops:
Ugh, der. I completely spaced out on the CLs having single combs. All the Christmas rush has me in my own little world, don't mind me
haha Yeah, I also automatically think that all chickens that lay blue eggs have pea combs (I think there is a connection between the O gene (blue eggshell) and pea combs. You're not alone.

Here is #1's sister. All three appear to have a single comb. Number # has the darker head. I think I'm leaning towards the first two being the Welsummers and the dark headed one the olive egger.

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