Welsummer Stopped Laying


In the Brooder
Oct 31, 2022


Only have had chickens for a year. But I have a 30 week old Welsummer that started laying at 22 weeks for about two weeks and then stopped. She hasn’t layed an egg in over a month. It has been nasty hot with many 100 degree days. Took to vet because I thought she might be egg bound. Took X-ray, no egg. Found a wound under her wing with some missing feathers. We do have a hawk that swoops in occasionally, so she might have had an encounter. Put her on antibiotics and she hasn’t produced an egg since. They free range so I locked her up, thinking maybe she is laying them somewhere else, but still no eggs. because of the hawk I watch when out and she doesn’t disappear. Can the stress of heat and an attack cause this? No mites or worms. Other birds are laying. is it her breed? Has anyone else had this happen?
All but two of my welsummers have stopped laying, but they’re beginning to moult, I don’t know if yours is too young to enter the moult.
She only just started to lay so it isn’t molting, so I guess it is a wait and see approach to see if she starts to lay again.
Update: Still no eggs. It seems like she has recovered from fowl pox, but none of the other 5 girls are laying eggs since fowl pox. Has anyone had their birds stop laying because of fowl pox? And if they did, how long after fowl pox did the chickens start to lay eggs again?
Dry pox or wet pox?

Are they still free ranging?

Do any of them look like they are laying?
Dry pox or wet pox?

Are they still free ranging?

Do any of them look like they are laying?
Dry pox and although they free range 1/2 late day in a fenced in area, there are no eggs. Their combs are light pink, and they are not squatting.
Update: Welsummer still no Eggs. Going on 3 months. After fowl pox, 4 out of six eventually started . The Welsummer and one Easter egger still have no eggs.
Update! My Welsummer finally produced an egg today! So there is hope for those who have had a chicken just start to lay, stop, and then start again nearly 8 months later. Thanks for all the help.

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