Welsummers in Texas?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 12, 2010
I am intending to add a new pen/coop this winter with the intention of raising a few Welsummer chickens. Is there a reputable breeder here in Texas (preferably north central Texas!) selling newly hatched chicks?

I will be wanting 20-25 pullets and a couple of roosters. I've done a bit of research and this turned up as the breed I decided I would like to have. (I currently have 9 pullets of 3 breeds: 4 Americaunas, 3 Silver-Laced Wyandottes, and 2 Black Australorps.) While I'm keeping these ladies, I want to add a separate flock of a single breed, and the Welsummer is the one!
Thank you, Jeff. I just sent her a private email, asking if she still produces the Welsummers. Now all I can do is wait for an answer.

What kind of chickens do you have? (Im just nosey!)

I'd forgotten over the years just how much fun they are to have. I'm glad I got into chickens this year. (My previous one was a pet Dominique, or Dominecker, as I was told then. I was 9 when I had her.) Can't wait for them to get big enough to lay! (Although with the year winding down, it may be next spring before I get any! That's OK, too.)

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