Went (to my better judgement) to the feed store..... AND


9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
NW Missouri
Got home with 4 crested Polish !!!!! I just wanted to get some shavings and a new waterer for my 15 new chicks that will arrive next week.
Of course I had to check out the babies and couldn't walk past those adorable Polish... got one from each color. The grey one had really bad pasty butt and I got it for just for 1 Dollar....and they cleaned (hopefully) her up for me.
Next week I will get some 5 Austra Whites pullets, 5 Salmon Faverolles straight run and 5 Buff Orpingtons straight run from Cackle.
Maybe it is good to give the Polish a week head start since they won't get so big and are prone to be picked on ...... I don't know.
Awwwwwwwwwwww!!! See, this is why I am going to do my best to NOT go to Tractor Supply tomorrow, fully knowing that the chicks arrive tomorrow. And fully knowing I have errands to do in that area. So cute!!! I think it's a good idea to start the ornamental bantams out a little earlier, too.
Way to wheel and deal on the pasty butt! I was very lucky but my order from last week has had no chick with any pasty butt so far.
Last order only had 2-3 out of 30 with a small amount and I only had to clean them twice. Not too terrible either.
ahhh! So cute. One of the local TSCs near me will have chicks after the 7th, and I'm really going to try hard to get whatever I need before then. I'm going to a small family get together for two days in three weeks and I don't think the person who will be checking on my chicks will appreciate me adding more chicks in,lol.
I went to TSC today and actually made it out of the store without A-N-Y!!!! Lol! Besides, I have tooooooooo many in the incubators that are much more interesting than the breeds the TSC is selling.
Now if I can only convince myself of this...lol!
I wish our farm stores would get the "cute" ones in early. They always get the standard layers RIR, BA, BR, etc first and then the cuties later like in April/May
Well I had to go to TSC to day too. I actually was considering bringing home a few chicks as I have some in the brooder anyway. After seeing what was available, I had no trouble resisting temptation. Our TSC is evidently not the least bit adventurous like some of the stores evidently are elsewhere. All they had were 4 bins: one labeled Barred Rocks, one labeled "red pullets" (there in the fine print it said "New Hampshire, RIR "), one labeled "pullets" (no idea what those were - yellow chicks) and a final bin with "Straight Run Cornish". Not exactly an exciting selection. I mean, no feathered feet, no crests, no beards - what's wrong with these people?
I can't go into TS until after June. I make my DH go in for me for feed. Every time I walk in the door I can hear them calling me, saying Ginger please come help us, please please. No way am I going in there. Now if they had turkeys I may go in.

GermanChick, They are some cute babies you have there.
Usually they only have the standard breeds (BR,RIR,BSL and so on) so I really couldn't resist. I would have never ordered some Polish but today they just looked so cute

Of course they are straight run and with my luck I picked 4 roosters. Husband is out of town and just heard the news...... I am banned now within a 1 mile from the feed store

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