We are testing the waters!! Freda regularly goes broody and stays that way unless we break her (once for 5 wks!). Well, this spring she went broody before we were ready plus it was just soooo cold. She's been broody for 4 wks now & TCS begins their "Chick Days" Today.
I made up a separate place for her yesterday to see if she'd still sit so we could get her a few babies. She settled in well last night and is sitting as I write even though I was crawling around under her space setting up lamps etc. Here she is awating her babies!
We are so excited to see if she will adopt. I have the lamp up high to take the pic's but have lowered & will check the temp shortly. We will set up our indoor brooder incase she doesn't adopt. We are hoping to get 2-3 Barred rock peeps . They will look enough like her that we hope that helps in her accepting them. Pray that she loves them!!!!
Thanks! I will get pic's of them together if all goes well.
We are so excited to see if she will adopt. I have the lamp up high to take the pic's but have lowered & will check the temp shortly. We will set up our indoor brooder incase she doesn't adopt. We are hoping to get 2-3 Barred rock peeps . They will look enough like her that we hope that helps in her accepting them. Pray that she loves them!!!!