Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the pen...
Yeah, I know, Chicken Math Strikes Again. That and the fact that my roomies have gone egg crazy is forcing me to rethink the size of my flock (seriously, they go through almost three dozen eggs a week!). Anyway, the coop I'm conceiving will be a walk in, mainly to make it easier for me to conduct cleaning. And while I have ideas for the design, I also have questions. And I will probably concoct more before I'm done. For now, here are a few that I've thought of...
I have a Black Australorp, a 3 year old Production Red, a Cuckoo Marans and the rest are Easter Eggers. What would be the best roost heights be for these breeds? I assume different breeds prefer different heights, so I'd like a range based on what I have.
I do intend on including 'poop-catchers' underneath the roosts, but I was wondering; if the roosts are not a great distance from the walls would the chickens tend to roost facing away from it? Towards it? Or whichever way they d@m^ well please?
While I do have ideas to ease cleaning, I am also considering the possibility of a deep litter system. How often and involved would the cleaning be? Or does it never need to be shoveled out?
Thanks for your replies, wisdom and patience.
I have a Black Australorp, a 3 year old Production Red, a Cuckoo Marans and the rest are Easter Eggers. What would be the best roost heights be for these breeds? I assume different breeds prefer different heights, so I'd like a range based on what I have.
I do intend on including 'poop-catchers' underneath the roosts, but I was wondering; if the roosts are not a great distance from the walls would the chickens tend to roost facing away from it? Towards it? Or whichever way they d@m^ well please?
While I do have ideas to ease cleaning, I am also considering the possibility of a deep litter system. How often and involved would the cleaning be? Or does it never need to be shoveled out?
Thanks for your replies, wisdom and patience.