Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

Fowl pox is a virus, antibiotics would be ineffective unless there's a secondary bacterial infection. You'd just have to let it run its course if in fact it's fowl pox. They get over it in about a month, more or less. Eggs are safe to eat. Mainly mosquitos carry the virus, try to eliminate standing water on your property. I'll ask someone else to take a look at the pics you've provided. But it doesnt look like pox to me.

Wow it looks like a bad case of northern fowl mites.
they are so hard to kill.
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So there is nothing I can do if it is fowl pox? I'll get another picture under the fold. Can this fowl pox kill my hen?
It appears to be dry fowl pox. It will go away on its own in time. Dry will NOT kill your hen(s.) You can put iodine on the scabs or lesions to help dry them quicker. Avoid the eyes and nostrils if you apply iodine.
If you were dealing with wet fowl pox, you would see lesions inside your hens mouth. Chickens can die from wet pox due to the inability to swallow their feed. There is no cure for dry or wet fowl pox.
Like I mentioned in a previous post,eliminate standing water on your property to help keep the mosquito population down, since mosquitos are the main carriers of fowl pox.

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