Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

Here's a closer picture. Does this help? Does it show it is fowl pox? It's not contagious right?
I can't say that I am positive that is pox, because it may not be, but dry pox is really not a big deal unless you start seeing more chickens with it. If it would be a fungus such as favus, putting Miconazole cream on it would not be harmful at all. Please look at all the links and pictures again. There are a couple of vaccines available for those who live in warm humid environments where pox can be very serious. Here is a link about vaccines for pox: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/vm021
What is blue kote?

Ok I will definitely look at the links.
championsumatra was referring to wet pox. For dry pox, iodine is usually recommended if anything is used. BluKote is a blue-coloring spray that contains the antifungal gentian violet and alcohol, and is used for abrasions and to hide wounds to prevent pecking. It comes in a daub-on or spray:
championsumatra was referring to wet pox.  For dry pox, iodine is usually recommended if anything is used.    BluKote is a blue-coloring spray that contains the antifungal gentian violet and alcohol, and is used  for abrasions and to hide wounds to prevent pecking.  It comes in a daub-on or spray:  

I like the pump spray as opposed to aerosol. The pump is more controled, even though it still gets messy. Blu Kote is great stuff- not just anti-fungal, but also antiseptic. Great wound cover to disguise and discourage picking.
I let then free range whenever I'm home too. I just don't want my others or babies getting this.

Should I get the vaccine for fowl pox for my two little chicks that are about a month old?

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