Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

Unfortunately if your chick has the pox it is a virus, no cure. All you can do is assist its healing as best you can with nutrition and try to help the pox dry into scabs without secondary infection or undue stress.

Of my 11 chicks that got pox when they were 2-3 weeks old, only 5 appear recovered (I am anticipating the final mortality rate to be 50% despite my efforts and house care). Of my 10 chicks that got pox when they were 2 months old, all handled it with ease just a few spots on their heads, the 11th chick is now 14 weeks and still showing no sign of pox.
Age and health before infection seem to be the determining factors for survival. It has been a horrible learning curve and I have now mingled the rest of my flock into the infected areas to get the spread of it over and done with.

What do you suggest me to do?
If you're satisfied its not canker which needs a different treatment (use search box to find older canker threads), then wait and see. If your chick responds well to good nutrition etc as mentioned and remains very active she might do OK. You really have to make the call.

It is strange you don't mention seeing any symptoms in your other birds both canker and pox are quite contagious. I saw a new bird developing a few scabs every few days which confirmed 100% it was dry pox.
If you're satisfied its not canker which needs a different treatment (use search box to find older canker threads), then wait and see. If your chick responds well to good nutrition etc as mentioned and remains very active she might do OK. You really have to make the call.

It is strange you don't mention seeing any symptoms in your other birds both canker and pox are quite contagious. I saw a new bird developing a few scabs every few days which confirmed 100% it was dry pox.

Unfortunately the chick has passed away.
All my best wishes
We have closed a chapter I hope to not revisit, ever. Tonight I just enjoyed watching my other pumpkins eating and squabbling over bed and roost rights.
Hello Ive been keeping chickens since last April. I had a really bad bout of Fowl pox last June and lost several young chickens and two baby turkeys.
I didn't know what it was.I wasn't a member here at the time.

My seven older pullets and one cockerel got a few black spots on combs but all were fine.
I bought 24 chicks in sept. and all the pullets are starting to lay now.

all of a sudden all three of my roosters and a few hens have the black spots on there combs and some look bad.
Is there something that looks like this thats not fowl pox?
Why did the fowl pox come back after so long. no chickens added since Sept.
None act sick and all are eating.
And lastly what should I do for these Chickens ?

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