Wet Pox

Feathered Wings

11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
I'm new here and i have a question?? I have 4 chickens with wet pox of the mouth i have been doing the iodine mouth swabs and it is cureing those.
I have cleaned and disinfected my area and practiceing bio security measures as nessacery.
My question is should i be giveing the ones thats not affected Terramycin as a preventive measure?
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Since i last posted this question i have vaccinated all my chickens that didn't contract it. All the ones that got the wet pox have now all recovered and are doing well. It's over now and i've learned alot almost 2 months of learning all about this disease.
I can give this advice if you suspect fowl pox get the vaccine for the one's that don't have it.
It will save you alot of heartache in the long run as i had to put down a few of mine that were suffering.
AAHHH...YES please...help me!!!!!

Ok, started as dry pox...most of that is gone now.

Have had 2 or more with what I think is wet pox...

culled one, had one in house in quarantine (until I read about Histoplasmosis, and moved her outside)

and have one in the coop who is gasping weird...

I wish I had autoposied the one I culled...I wanted to see if it realy was wet pox, just couldn't do it

So, please help

visual symptoms? before I look down their throat?

should I quarantine them? together or separate?

what ratio iodine to water did oyu use for the swabs??

Thank you sooo much

Yes Quaritine every chicken you suspect has wet pox it is very contagious. it is spread my mosqiutos and by feed and drinking water and can be spread by you.
You must look down their throat if they have wet pox there will be cheesy growth in their mouth and throat. I used full strength iodine didn't add any water and used a clean swab to remove the growths they come out fairly easy.
When i removed them i soak a Qtip with iodine and swab their mouth thoroughly with that.
I did this twice a day until i was sure the growth were not growing anymore.
I also treated the dry pox on their combs with iodine.

They WILL recover from this with this treatment. Give them their own seperate water and food don't contaminate your other chickens.

Take my advice if you have alot of chickens get the vaccine NOW or it will go through the whole flock.

You can put the ones that have pox in the same pen together.

I had to deal with this heartbreaking thing for 2 months so i feel for you.
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Thank you much....makes it easier to put the sicker ones in together.

I had one in the house for 3 days, (only one rabbit cage for "quarantine")...long story short, I brought her in because she was doing the gasping thing, but still eating...within a day, she had fever and a really runny eye (just one)...

with ample amounts of reading and asking questions on this AMAZING forum...I think it might have been a form of CRD...

May not, but I can't be too careful with 53, err make that 51 chickens out there and a family who is prone to chest colds anyway.

I culled her and another girl that was labored breathing yesterday. I think there is one more out there who has a runny eye and I will quarantine her, outside, this am...until I can make sure it dosn't come with a fever and bubbly eye...then she is out.

The one who had labored breathing...I think it has to be wet pox. I tried to get my sister, a nurse, to help me autopsy it and see in the throat yesterday, but she (of all people!!) grossed out.

I would / need, to know if the gasping chickens are coming down with the CRD or if it is just wet pox ...

I have checked for worms...in mouths and the poo, none to be found.

the whole coop is on apple-cedar vinegar (w/ the mother in it) and garlic in the coop and vitamin + electrolyte water in the run...

The dry fowl pox looks to be receding a bit, no new outbreaks. THAT one is deal able, doesn't seem to phase them a bit, until one scratches a lump off and it bleeds....now, that is a sad picture

All said and done...I do not know what is really wrong with the ones I have culled so far...even though we have a LOT of time and money in these birds, I have to play it safer than sorry for the rest of the flock. There isn't an avian vet anywhere close to us to get a real autopsy done, so I am in the dark.

LUCKILY, there is a little light I can see...OH, it is the fine folks of the BYC !!!!!!

Thanks for the help, any thoughts on my lengthy entry is very welcome!

Have a blessed day!!

Hey there...thought I'd give ya an update on my sick (&dying) birds.

So far we have culled 4 total...3 more to go in the morning, I assume.

There is no sign of wet pox...but there are signs of a respitory infection going through all of my x rocks...

The gasping, the crusty eye, running nose, etc, are all symptoms of Coryza...

weird how the barred rocks aren't getting sick...yet.

Any new news on your front??

All my birds are well thank the lord and the vaccine. So sorry to hear you have Coryza that is some deadly stuff are you useing antibiotics?
Keep all your well birds isolated so they don't get it.

Hope things get better for you
The more I read, the more I read that antibiotics don't treat funguf problems. they are good to keep out any secondary infections, however.
No, I have some feed with it in it, but I am going to go ahead and cull the 3 I know are sick in the am...

All the rest have been contaminated, so we will just hope for the best and pray for healthier flock.

There is a lot of good info on Oxide and info on respiratory diseases


just as a F.Y.I.

The pox on lal of them is finally going away...I will take the pox any day of the week over this stuff.

We are trying to find out if we can eat the meat from a culled bird with Coryza...ever heard??

SSOOOOO glad to hear your birds are doing better:thumbsup

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