Wet run problem


7 Years
Jul 3, 2012
Hi, I have a problem with our run. It is attached to a 3 sided addition of our barn. The coop is in a stall in the barn. The pop door opens up into the run which is 1/2 under roof cover and 1/2 just wire fencing cover. We have been using a tarp to cover the run. Well, the run gets wet. Today we had torrential rain and there was a huge downward bow in the tarp roof from all the water that collected in it. I worried it would take down the roof of the run. Water was pouring in the sides. The hay was soaking wet. The feeder was soaking wet. How do you all keep your runs dry?
Here's 2 pics of the run (in dry form). The new tarp actually comes over quite a bit more on both sides and front, almost touching the ground.First pic is front view looking in towards the barn area. The second pic is looking from the back from the barn area out to the uncovered area. Thanks!! Mary

Here is a photo of my unfinished run. Please excuse all of the junk in the photo. I planned it with a lot of overhang to try to keep rain out. The metal roofing was left over from our home and the interior "floor" is sand. I scoop the poop every morning and it works great. The curtain in front is to keep out the heat of the morning sun. I haven't installed curtain hardware yet.

I have a pitched roof over 3/4 of my run (12 x 20), The other 1/4 is flat but covered with mesh..I am thinking I will most likely extend my roof next year (this is 1st year and we put alotta money into it already),,in the meantime, I'm thinking of taking some PVC and making a "pitch" with tarp for the winter anyway, so that's an idea..You need a 'pitch' to let the water run off. You could probably get PVC very inexpensively to make a frame to pitch.
These are some great ideas. We live in Maine so I worry about sand and being too cold. Our coop is not insulated. The extending roof is a great idea! Wish I thought of it. And the pitch with the pvc piping is something we were just talking about. How are you going to do that? Using the pipes like an arch? How are you going to attach the piping and what are you going to cover it with, tarp? Thanks for these ideas.

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