One of the polish, Isabelle, wasn't there at bedtime Sunday night. I looked in a few good hiding places where she might be, but no luck. She had done this once before and tucked herself in underneath our deck -- showing up the next afternoon, so I hoped that was the case again.
But now, after two days of looking, I can't find a trace of her. It just makes me sad to look out at my flock and see Annabelle there and no Isabelle. I think Annabelle is a little down too, because she and Issy would chatter back and forth all day with each other and pal around the yard.
Just wanted to share this with some folks who would "get it."
But now, after two days of looking, I can't find a trace of her. It just makes me sad to look out at my flock and see Annabelle there and no Isabelle. I think Annabelle is a little down too, because she and Issy would chatter back and forth all day with each other and pal around the yard.
Just wanted to share this with some folks who would "get it."