We've lost our first chicken :0(


10 Years
Apr 2, 2009
azalia, indiana
One of the polish, Isabelle, wasn't there at bedtime Sunday night. I looked in a few good hiding places where she might be, but no luck. She had done this once before and tucked herself in underneath our deck -- showing up the next afternoon, so I hoped that was the case again.

But now, after two days of looking, I can't find a trace of her. It just makes me sad to look out at my flock and see Annabelle there and no Isabelle. I think Annabelle is a little down too, because she and Issy would chatter back and forth all day with each other and pal around the yard.

Just wanted to share this with some folks who would "get it."
here's to hoping Issabelle finds her way home... Maybe she found a super cool nesting spot. My bf's chicken will disappear for days, then show back up. I'd love to keep her cooped up as she's the last chicken standing from a flock of 20 something ... but she's impossible to catch.
I'm so sorry. I lost a hen and a bantam rooster within the last 2 months exactly the same way. There in the morning when they went out to range, and not there in the evening at bedtime.

We never "replace" the ones that leave us. Each one has their distinct place and personality in our lives. May you always have happy memories of her...
I'm sorry about your missing girl, I've had girls go missing for days and show back up. I don't know much about Polish, but maybe she has gone broody and has a nice nesting spot somewhere?
I had my first hatched chicken get disemboweled(sp) right beside our porch, we came home from shopping to find my 'Lucky', a barred rock hen, being ripped apart by a hawk

I then lost a silkie hen, my second hatched hen and 2 banties...
lets hope ur is ok and comes home soon////...
Nope, nothing. I'm certain she's gone for good. At least I didn't have to find her body anywhere, that must have been so hard FairfieldChicks.

I feel bad for thinking it, but darn! Couldn't it have been the mutt chicken, or the older RIR that doesn't even lay anymore? Not one of the 2 show chickens we were planning on using in 4H this year, and one of my favorites!
I don't know anything about Polish, do they tend to go broody? I had a barred rock do that last year. She was gone for two days and then I thought I saw her, but wasn't sure because I have a few and can't tell them apart from a distance. Anyhow, a few days later she showed back up again and I was able to follow her to her hidden nest...Silly girl was trying to hatch infertile eggs. Hope yours shows back up too.
So sorry about your missing/dead? bird...I lost half of my flock to a dog a few months ago. Upset me so much.....Hope you find your bird or at least find some solace by getting the killer/thief

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