What’s in my eggs?!?!

Dang it!!!! Should have stuck to my pine shavings! Any suggestions on what to do? Or do you agree with DE or permethrin?

I use hay in my coops (deep litter style) and nest boxes all of the time and haven't seen anything like that. Maybe I've just been lucky? Or maybe the hay sitting out for a week or two before getting used has the bugs die off? Maybe what you got was just too fresh?
I use hay in my coops (deep litter style) and nest boxes all of the time and haven't seen anything like that. Maybe I've just been lucky? Or maybe the hay sitting out for a week or two before getting used has the bugs die off? Maybe what you got was just too fresh?
Not sure, got it from southern states though. 😱. Could be lice or mites. Lord help
Me! 😭😅. Time to spray!

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